Tuesday 5 November 2013

Wedding bells!!!!

We find new beginnings to what we call life all the time. That's happening all around us right now, at this very instant. With or without us knowing. and right now its happening to someone we very well know.

As we go along together the next couple of weeks at the very least we will eventually learn more and more about them. But this is not just about what they are, this is about the journey we find ourselves taking and talking about so much while we help out or maybe irritate our 2 friends or family -- Vinit and Aayushi -- to take them next steps into a new age of Awesomeness.!

I think its better to call it a day for now, we want everybody to be excited, elevated, animated, enlivened, delighted, exuberant, enraptured, intoxicated, enthusiastic, eager, peppy and sparky. ;)  ... its possible to go on a rant..but we'll stick with this.

P(S):Sure its going to sound corny..!! but we know how our couple likes it!!!

see you guys and gals soon, make sure u don't miss out, we have a wedding on our hands now!!!! aannndddd.....


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